Vita Mo Asumang

TV presenter at German TV
2010 2007 June 2002 Dec. 2001 - Jan. 2002 1997- 2001 1977 1996 |
Documentary Host "The Aryans"
Documentary Host "Road to Rainbow" Documentary Host "Roots Germania" Sam, WM Soccer Special Viva Inside Berlin Specials Liebe Sünde (at 10:15 pm) (Audience Rating 2,0 to 3,0 Million) (Max TV 2000) Logenplatz Classic Clips |
Film and TV roles as an Actress (selection)
2003 2001 2001 1999 1999 1999 1998 |
The Ghostwriter
(Role: Condoleezza Rice / US Secretary of State) HFF, Studentfilm (35mm) Suck my Dick (COMEDY) Alarm für Cobra 11 Bullyparade (COMEDY) Paul und Clara Am liebsten Marlene Strassen von Berlin |
director: Roman Polanski
director: Felix Leiberg director: Oskar Roehler director: Raoul Heimrich director: Bully Herbig director: Nikki Müllerschön director: Werner Masten director: Werner Masten |
Mo is Guest of several TV Shows

4 x Harald Schmidt Show
J.B. Kerner
Markus Lanz
Hermann & Tietjen
Zimmer frei
Volle Kanne
WDR west Art, Promi Dinner, Sat 1 Frühstücksfernsehen, klipp & klar, several MTV Shows, Viva,several TV Magazins (kulturzeit, Leute heute ....) and other Shows …
J.B. Kerner
Markus Lanz
Hermann & Tietjen
Zimmer frei
Volle Kanne
WDR west Art, Promi Dinner, Sat 1 Frühstücksfernsehen, klipp & klar, several MTV Shows, Viva,several TV Magazins (kulturzeit, Leute heute ....) and other Shows …
Mo hosts Events in german and english (selection)2014
Mo as Keynote Speaker for the "Bundesprüfstelle für Jugendgefährdende Medien" at Jahretagung "60 Jahre Jugendmedienschutz" 2014 (english) Mo hosts the Sections Night Award Ceremony of the XX World Congress on Safety and Health at Work 2014 ( english) in Frankfurt am Main 2014 (english) Mo hosts the "Special Media Session" of the International Media Festival for Prevention At Harmony Hall, Messe Frankfurt am Main (in english) 2013 Mo as Keynote Speaker for Democracy Conference "Wir für Demokratie" (by BMFSF, BMI, BMAS) 2013 Mo hosts "Otto Wels Award for Democracy" at the German Reichstag 2013 Mo as Keynote Speater at Military Historical Museum Dresden 2011 Mo hosts Rock Festival "Loud against Racists" in Schwerin 2011 Berlinale Filmnight of the SPD (Social Democratic Party of Germany) 2009 Congress, Topic: „Activate the civic society – to strengthen the citizen involvement to fight Neonazi`s“, Essen 2009 Event „Heimat Metropole“ with Minister of foreign affairs Steinmeier, Berlin 2008 German Human Rights Filmnight, Berlin 2008 Opening Event Filmfestival "African Sreens" with Federal President Horst Köhler at "Haus der Kulturen der Welt", Berlin 2008 TV-Discussion with Minister of foreign affairs Steinmeier and Students – live talk, for Phoenix TV 2007 Gala Event of the South African Embassy, at the Rizz Carlton Berlin 2007 Hoffmann&Campe/ PETRA, Audio Book Release, Hamburg 2006 Press-Conference for Loveparade 2006, Berlin 2005 Bacardi Germany – Bacardi Foto Award, Berlin 2005 Intercontinental Hotels Group /Roadshow (Germany-Switzerland) 2005 20 th Century Fox – Kinsey (Movie) Panel Discussion, Cologne 2004 City Hall Event "Berliner Hoffest", Berlin 2003 Laudator of the Onlinestar, Munich 2003 Häagen Dazs Shop Opening, Berlin 2003 AT & T Moderation, Cebit Fair, Hannover ARD Roadshow, Berlin several Charity Events in Germany Presentation of “energia” Script Award etc. |
Radio Shows2004/2005
"Love Lounge" Radio FFH Frankfurt "Sex and Candy" Star FM-Berlin |
Fotos of some Events Mo hosted

Mo hosted the Opening of the African Filmfestival "African Screens"
at House of the Cultures of the World, Berlin,
Mo, former Federal Presiden Horst Köhler, Dr. Bernd Scherer (middle)
Director of the House of the World Cultures,
Mathia Diawara (right) Curator of the "African Sreens"
at House of the Cultures of the World, Berlin,
Mo, former Federal Presiden Horst Köhler, Dr. Bernd Scherer (middle)
Director of the House of the World Cultures,
Mathia Diawara (right) Curator of the "African Sreens"