Selected quotes from international Press about The ARYANS
May 15th 2014
BBC Interview with Mo Asumang (click)
April 2014
usatoday Article about Mo Asumangs new documentary "The ARYANS"
Interview by Dewayne Wickham (click for article and VIDEO)
Selected quotes from the international Press (2007 - 2011)
USA today (29 April 2009) writes:
The German filmmaker and U.S. president are kindred souls. Like Obama, Asumang, 45, was born to a white mother and black African father. Each was also were raised largely by a doting, white grandmother. And each, eventually, undertook a journey of self-discovery. Obama's was chronicled in his best-selling 2004 book, Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance. Asumang's awakening came in the form of a 2007 documentary, Roots Germania, in which she set out to confront a Neo-Nazi who threatened her life. But instead, she ended up exploring her dual identities".
The German filmmaker and U.S. president are kindred souls. Like Obama, Asumang, 45, was born to a white mother and black African father. Each was also were raised largely by a doting, white grandmother. And each, eventually, undertook a journey of self-discovery. Obama's was chronicled in his best-selling 2004 book, Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance. Asumang's awakening came in the form of a 2007 documentary, Roots Germania, in which she set out to confront a Neo-Nazi who threatened her life. But instead, she ended up exploring her dual identities".
Shanghai Global Times, Dec. 2010
Essence Magazine, USA, October 2011
Article "A Transfer of Power" at News & Culture (only at the Magazine)
TV Show, Guest, 1997 – 2013(Selection)

4 Harald Schmidt Shows, J.B. Kerner, Beckmann, Hermann & Tietjen, Biolek, Zimmer frei, Volle Kanne, NDR "DAS!", WDR west Art, Promi Dinner, Sat 1 Frühstücksfernsehen, several MTV Shows, Viva,several TV Magazins (kulturzeit, Leute heute ....) and Shows….etc.
links to watch
June 2011, Mo is Guest at NDR TV at the Show "DAS!" (Mo sings with Afrogospelchior "Akwaba" the german National Anthem as a Gospel( Version (a Composition from Filmmusic of Roots Germania")
Nov 2007, Mo Guest at ZDF Show Johannes B. Kerner
Nov 2007, Mo Guest at ZDF Show Johannes B. Kerner
Selected quotes from the Press in Germany about The ARYANS (2014)
Berliner Morgenpost
USA Today
Bild Zeitung
TV Today, TV Spielfilm,5996921,ApplicationArticle.html
Nürnberger Nachrichten
Hessische Allgemeine
Berliner Morgenpost
USA Today
Bild Zeitung
TV Today, TV Spielfilm,5996921,ApplicationArticle.html
Nürnberger Nachrichten
Hessische Allgemeine
Selected quotes from the Press in Germany (2007 - 2012)
„The strenght about Mo Asumangs cinematic research is her posing of questions”
- FAZ (click to watch)
"Brunhild with Afro-Look......Riskily Roadmovie.....Esoteric Cross-over-trip".
- SPIEGEL ONLINE (click to watch)
"Der Rassismus sitzt in der Mitte der Gesellschaft"
- FOCUS (Nov. 2011) (click to watch)
"This has much of the unmasking humor of a Michael Moore“
- Hessische Allgemeine Zeitung (click to watch)
"You can call this woman brave: TV-presenter Mo Asumang ("Liebe Sünde") met with those people who would like to see her dead".
- STERN.DE (click to watch)
Mo Asumang (Director) was the second black German TV Presenter in Germany 1996.
She started her career as a first league basketball player in Germany with her deep voice she then studied Classical singing and worked as a voice actor for film dubbing for TV series and movies such as Independence Day, Cold Case, Heat, Startrek Voyager. The German channel Pro 7 gave Mo the chance to present the TV Magazin “Liebe Sünde”, in which she talked about love and relationship to an audience of around 2,5 Million people.
Mo Asumang presents the movie in the media as well as schools and universities, leading lectures about her journey and workshops about topics such as racism and integration.
- FAZ (click to watch)
"Brunhild with Afro-Look......Riskily Roadmovie.....Esoteric Cross-over-trip".
- SPIEGEL ONLINE (click to watch)
"Der Rassismus sitzt in der Mitte der Gesellschaft"
- FOCUS (Nov. 2011) (click to watch)
"This has much of the unmasking humor of a Michael Moore“
- Hessische Allgemeine Zeitung (click to watch)
"You can call this woman brave: TV-presenter Mo Asumang ("Liebe Sünde") met with those people who would like to see her dead".
- STERN.DE (click to watch)
Mo Asumang (Director) was the second black German TV Presenter in Germany 1996.
She started her career as a first league basketball player in Germany with her deep voice she then studied Classical singing and worked as a voice actor for film dubbing for TV series and movies such as Independence Day, Cold Case, Heat, Startrek Voyager. The German channel Pro 7 gave Mo the chance to present the TV Magazin “Liebe Sünde”, in which she talked about love and relationship to an audience of around 2,5 Million people.
Mo Asumang presents the movie in the media as well as schools and universities, leading lectures about her journey and workshops about topics such as racism and integration.